8 November 2014

Series Completion Reasoning

Reasoning plays a very important role in cracking any of the competitive Examinations. In this Reasoning Section candidate is  to be tested on his analytical skills, Logical thinking and Mental ability. The best way to improve Reasoning ability is to develop good understanding and comprehension skills. During Examination, Mental alertness plays a major role to score Well in Reasoning Section.
  In career training and development Logical thinking and development plays a crucial role. Through the practice of Reasoning we can gain the ability to lengthen the range of objects we know and can understand, analyze, foresight and a sense of direction not only in cracking Examinations but also in our day to day life. These Reasoning topics are mainly of two types. They are: 1) Verbal Reasoning and 2) Non-Verbal Reasoning.
  Verbal Reasoning Topics includes Number Series, Alphabet Series, Direction Sense Test, coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, Analogy, Syllogisms, Venn Diagrams. Here we are providing you with all these topics right from the basics in such a manner which can be easily understood. Practice our Material along with the on line tests to gain confidence before attempting your Examinations.

Number Series:

The following are the various types of Number series:
 1) 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, ____
Ans:  24
Explanation: Each number is followed is by the previous number added with 4.
   4+4=8; 8+4=12; 12+4=16; 16+4=20; 20+4=24.Hence 24 is the answer.
2)50, 45, 40, 35, 30, ____
Ans: 25
Explanation: Each term is followed by the previous number minus 5.                                         
50-5=45; 45-5=40; 40-5=35; 35-5=30; 30-5=25
3)6, 30, 150, 750, ______
Ans: 3750
Explanation:  The given numbers are multiplied by 5 to get the next number.
4) 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ___
Ans: 13
Explanation:   The given numbers are a series of Odd numbers. Hence the odd number next to 11 is 13. (Odd numbers are those which are not divisible by 2)
5)1, 5, 11, 17, ____
Ans: 23
Explanation: The given numbers are a series of Prime numbers obtained by considering alternate prime numbers. The prime numbers are those which do not have factors other than 1 and itself.(1,3,5,7,11,13,17,23,29..are examples of prime number series)
6) 9, 25, 49, 81____
Ans: 121
Explanation: Each number is followed by the square of the alternate numbers. 32=9; 52=25; 72=49; 92=81; 112=121
7)13, 26, 39, 52, 65____
Ans:  78
Explanation: Each number is a multiple of 13.
13*1=13; 13*2=26; 13*3=39; 13*4=52; 13*5=65; 13*6=78
8)8, 64, 216, 512_____
Ans: 1000
Explanation: The given series is obtained by the cube of the consecutive even numbers (23=8, 43=64, 63=216, 83 =512 and 103=1000)
IX. n± __         (The blank can be any natural number. It may be n2, n3)
9) 90,132,182,240___
Ans: 306
Explanation: The given series is obtained by following the pattern of n2+n.
(92=81+9(n2+n) =90; 112=121+11=132; 132=169+13=182; 152=225+15=240; 172=289+17=306)
X. n±   _______                  (The blank can be any natural number. It may be n2, n3)
10) 6, 13, 32, 69, ____
Explanation: The given series is obtained by following the pattern of n2+5.
(13+5=6; 23+5=13; 33+5=32; 43+5=69; 53+5=130)
These Letter Series pattern usually consists of a series of letters following certain pattern. With one letter missing. This pattern is based on increasing or decreasing positions of corresponding letters following the order of English alphabets. The missing letter is to be determined by observing the proper sequence of the given Letter series.
1) Increases by a definite number
Example: a) GHIJK____
Ans: L
Explanation: In the above series each letter is to be increased by one.
b) CFIL____
Ans: O
Explanation: In the above series each letter increases by three to its right position.
2) Decreases by a definite number
Example: a) QOMIE____
Ans: A
Explanation: In the above series each letter is to be decreased by four to its left position.
Ans: O
Explanation: In the above series each letter decreases by two to its left position.
3) Increasing and decreasing in a certain manner
Example: a) ABDGK____
Ans: P
Explanation: In the above series each letter is to be increased successively in the following manner i.e., +1, +2, +3, +4, +5 t
 b) ACGM____
Ans: U
Explanation: In the above series each letter is to be increased  in the following pattern.i.e.,+2,+4,+6,+8 to its right position.
c) ZTOKH___
Ans:  F
Explanation: In the above series each letter is to be decreased in the following pattern .i.e.,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2 to its right position
1) Z4B, W15D, T64H, _____
Ans: Q325M
First Letter Series: ZWTQ. In this series, each letter is to be decreased by 3 to its left position.
Middle Number Series: 4, 15, 64, 325. These series of numerals are formed by the following pattern.
Third Letter Series: BDHM. In this series each letter is to be increased following a certain pattern i.e. (+2, +4, +6, +8)
Example-1: bab _a _ba_b_b
Ans: b b b a
Explanation: Here the series bab is repeated.
Example-2: abcb_a_a_
Ans: c c b
Explanation: Here the series is as follows abc/ bca /cab
Example-3: a b _ a _ b a a _ b _ b
Ans: a b a b
Explanation: Here the pattern is ab/aabb/aaabbb
Example-4: a b _ d _ c d _ d _
Ans: c b b d
Explanation: Here the pattern is abcd/bcd/cd/d
Example-5: a b _ d _ c b _ c _
Ans: c d d c
Explanation: Here the pattern is as follows abcd/bcd/cd/d

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